Well hi welcome to my little blog. Just my little corner of craftiness, sewing, and refashioning. I am also a newly gluten free eater so you have a little bit of recipes mixed in here.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Handmade Jewelry Thursday 8.5.11

On my now 3rd addition of handmade jewelry thursday! Whew! I know it is late and on a Friday but it has been a busy week with the Olympic Boxing Trials and my cousin Enovi competing. Plus, all the family in town. This week's post will just be an addition to a post earlier from the Iron Craft Challenge #31. I have already messed around with the purples but for this post I am going to see what happens when I color them with my good old paint pens. I really wanted black earrings but didn't feel like buying black clay. Kind of in the "work with-what-I-got" sort of mood.

Here are my leftover small violets. I want to turn them black with my paint pen.

Add a post with some cement glue...

Done! Now I have them in black! I wore them today at work! And yes I suck at taking pictures! this was taken in my car ;)

I also have been thinking I can probably glam these babies up by adding a clear coat like the spray polyurethane I have. I like shiny things... Sorry for the tardiness! Look forward to creating a beaded necklace this weekend. Here's to a break! :)


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