Well hi welcome to my little blog. Just my little corner of craftiness, sewing, and refashioning. I am also a newly gluten free eater so you have a little bit of recipes mixed in here.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Bellydance DVD Review: Princess Farhana, balance

Here is my last Princess Farhana DVD. This one I was very excited about. Sword and Shamadan. All about balance. Any pointers I am always open to!

It has a bunch of chapters. However, I will say this they are not very long. 

The production quality is good. She talks to you while she dances however she faces you so you will mirror her. The sound is ok, like the other one you can hear cars driving by!

She has a good introduction with pointers with swords and shamadans. One good one for the shamadan, or a candelabra, is to not leave your candles in your car for even the slightest of time. Always bring more than you need and your own matches. Look for doorway clearance, air vents to blow hot wax, keep all your props on the floor for storage. Simple things to make life easy.

The routine portion in let's review, is a general song, nothing elaborate and can be used for shamadan too. It is not a full walk through so if you were looking for a routine you could use to perform this is just a stepping stone base.

Her performance is impressive with her sword floor work and transitioning from standing to ground is need. The boob balance, not always a fan. But she really teaches good technique.

Verdict: this is currently a keep. I would say this is for beginner sword performers but intermediate in bellydance skill. You need to know everything prior to putting a sword on your head.

I thought this DVD was just full of really good information and instruction. I wish I had watched it sooner in my life. I don't know if I would keep it for a long period of time should I need to save on space and I am a veteran sword performer. Though she did give me some good information that I had not thought of before.

Well I am catching up here. The wedding in Florida was fabulous but I got no rest and had to go straight back to work and I have been busy. And I am also trying to get adapted to winter. I acknowledged the fact we got early cold weather here and went through my clothes transitioning my summer to winter. Where fall went... I have no idea. But I got rid of 4 big bags of things! We cleaned up our place. Ahh. But my poor blog suffered. I normally keep things pre-written and scheduled but towards the wedding I was lucky to have things done in normal life. So I did manage during the incident here when I felt better, to get some sewing done. I just need to get some end pictures done and edit them. That is all that is holding me up and time to write. I do have a lot of DVDs done and more reviews to come. I may have this week be all dedicated to bellydance DVD and next week get back on my normal schedule.


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