Well hi welcome to my little blog. Just my little corner of craftiness, sewing, and refashioning. I am also a newly gluten free eater so you have a little bit of recipes mixed in here.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Quickie fix- elastic hem blue shirt, #62

So I am still playing catch up here with my blog and my 99 refashion challenge, which is over half way done but oh course life is hectic busy so it has been hard to grab sewing and blogging time. Actually almost impossible. We should still be able to make it through this week, and hit my August quota of 66, yeah I divided my months on what my number should be in order to stay on track. What can I say, you can't take the scientist out of me. :)

And as you know before photos truly translate for me into how many bizarre faces can I make? This before face is priceless ladies and gentleman. Priceless.

Basically this top is a nice blue cotton top withe some crochet detail neckline. The thing I disliked about this top was the elastic bottom. I don't always like elastic on the bottom of shirts, it makes them so poofy. Great for all you can eat buffets, not so much for every day life. This is a simple fix.

First I opened up a portion of the casing. Pull out the elastic. Cut and pull it out. Sew the casing closed. Done! Easy peasy!

I then gave it a nice iron. Easy simple shirt now. 

Here is the recap. Easy refashion.
Cheers (and here's to me getting some spare time!)

1 comment:

mollie.dirig said...

Yay! Now I know what to do with a top I bought but don't wear. It does look lovely hanging in my closet, though. :). Thanks!


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