Well hi welcome to my little blog. Just my little corner of craftiness, sewing, and refashioning. I am also a newly gluten free eater so you have a little bit of recipes mixed in here.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Jalie tunic... part fail??? Jury is still out

Happy Leap year! Today I leave you with a mystery. I got this broken heart fabric from the Gurl Charlee group from a Knit Fix. It is super soft and comfy, it has a lot of drape.

I selected Jalie 3254, and went for a tunic pattern.

Jalie 3245 symönster fagert.se

I sewed this up and got this top. Which when I put it on it looks like a PJ. Err. I think b/c the fabric is really stretchy and I think it makes the top sag b/c of that.

Um but it looks like a PJ. As a PJ it can work...

Just playing around, I messed with the length and snapped a photo. Wow that looks great!
The biggest question that I sit and ask myself is what will get the most use? The top? Would I wear the shorter top to work? I don't know. What about as a PJ? I could see me getting a lot of use in the spring without pants. What would get the most use? The verdict is still out. I seriously cannot make up my mind. Like I have a lot of tops. Hmmm.


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